Welcome to the St. Albans Glenn Condominiums located in Virginia Beach, Virginia!

The Association, through the Board of Directors and the Manager, strive to preserve and enhance the property values of the entire community. Every member plays a valuable role in the success of this effort.
This site was designed for the Homeowners and Residents of the St. Albans Glenn Community and we hope that you find it a valuable resource.
St. Albans Glenn Association Board of Directors
President: Joni Douglas
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Lynda Allen
Secretary: Phyllis Richards
Member at Large: Dan Lonergan
Member at Large: Randy Peregory
Member at Large: Allen Anderson
Member at Large: Tom Mewborn
Member at Large: Jeffrey Scott Richards
Association Management Company

2224 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Suite 201
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Manager: Claire Weis
Assistant Manager: Maggie Alcala